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Barber DTS
1 year
If the tattoo cartridge expires in Nov 2023, you can still use it until the end of the month. After that, it can no longer be guaranteed that the cartridge is sterile and therefore poses a risk to your customer.
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Barber DTS
1 year
Hi Jay, it's great that you are concerned about hygiene. Tattooing is a big responsibility - also for your and your client's health. With disposable grips you are on the safer side than with a standard grip. It is a good idea to sterilise the grip in an autoclave to avoid cross-contamination. The grip must be disinfected in any case before you use it on the next client. We also have some articles ....
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Barber DTS
1 year
Hi Devan, to learn more about needle configurations we advise you to read our Advice Hub article "Tattoo Needle Guide". Round liners (RL) are as the name suggests, mainly for lining. However, with special techniques, shading can also be achieved. Round Magnums (RM) are mainly suitable for filling large areas and for soft sh....
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Barber DTS
1 year
Hello, there is no legal age to perform tattoos. However, tattooing is a form of work, so the respective legal labour regulations and the prohibition of child labour apply. If you want to have a tattoo yourself and you are a minor, you definitely need the consent of your legal guardians.We recommend that you learn tattooing from a professional tattoo artist and that you only work under the st....
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