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Barber DTS
5 years
Hello, thank you for your question. No, you do not get a Tattoo Licence by just completing an apprenticeship. It (fortunately) doesn’t work like that. Licences are granted by your local council and the criteria tends to differentiate town to town, city by city and certainly country to country. A tattoo apprenticeship is a long process which requires hard work, dedication and a ....
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Submitted by: Phil
5 years ago
Lianne Moule
5 years
In my opinion Eternal Ink is one of the best brands on the market. This is because of their years of expertise, constantly re-evaluating and re-assessing over the years to make the inks the best they possibly can be. I've found the pigments are consistently strong throughout the batches, the quality control of Eternal Ink ensures this consistency (one of the reasons I like to use this brand). I've....
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Submitted by: Jason
5 years ago
Barber DTS
5 years
Hello, thank you for your question. At the moment our most popular tattoo cartridges are the  TATSoul Envy Gen 2s. The Gen 2 carts are priced lower than most top-rated cartridge brands but are generally equal or better in quality. Other very common tattoo carts are ....
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Barber DTS
5 years
Hello, thank you for your question. In terms of ratings, we’d recommend TATSoul Furniture. TATSoul have been pioneering advances in tattoo furniture for many years now. Thousands of tattoo studios around the world are kitted out with TATSoul furniture from client chairs to artist chairs, armrests to stoo....
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5 years ago
Barber DTS
5 years
Hello, thank you for your question. Inkjet ink is only to be used with the EPSON Eco Tank range of printers. Our suggested compatible models are ET-2750, ET-2700, ET-2650 and ET-2600. We do not sell these however, so you’ll generally find the best prices via a few quick Google searches. Amazon and Currys tend to have the best prices and stock availability. More help can be foun....
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