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Barber DTS
2 years
Hi Tra, we have an article in our Advice Hub that covers this topic for tattoo machines. Of course, this can also be applied to PMU machines.You should find all the answers in this article: How To Clean And Sterilise Your Tattoo Machine.
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Barber DTS
2 years
Hello Ben, the AVA EP8 is a wireless machine with a battery life of 4-8 hours, but it can also be operated with an RCA cable. The AVA GT Mini is a very small tattoo machine that is nevertheless very powerful and only works with RCA cable. Because the machine is very small, it does not have such a wide range in terms of working voltage. However, it is still sufficient for most work.
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Barber DTS
2 years
Hi Tammie, unfortunately your question cannot be answered without knowing your current piercing size and what your desired size is. The most common sizes are 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 mm.
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Barber DTS
2 years
Hi Jeanne, in your apprenticeship you should have been taught which tattoo needles to use for which tattoo. Tattooing is not only an art but also a craft that should be learned from an experienced and professional tattoo artist. In our Advice Hub you can also find the Tattoo Needle Guide, which covers exactly this topic.
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Submitted by: Leonardo
2 years ago
Barber DTS
2 years
Hi Leonardo, we would highly recommend Barber DTS. At you will find all the equipment you need for tattooing, piercing and PMU.We would like to add, however, that there is more to tattooing than a tattoo machine and tattoo inks. If you want to tattoo, you should definitely learn from an experienced and professional tattoo artist who can te....
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